Friday, April 17, 2009

Amazing news!

Fantastic news!  We just talked to Dr. Laheru, the head doctor of the
pancreatic/clinical trial team. The team just finished looking at the
results from my PET scan yesterday. They had studied and re-studied the
results of yesterday's PET scan. The doctors expected "no change" from the
baseline PET scan that they did just 4 weeks ago. (This was basically just a
"pro-forma test they do after 3 chemo sessions. I will have them
periodically.) Well, instead of 'no change' they were very surprised to see
the cancer hot spots are "dimmer". They are shocked to see such results so
soon. It means the cancer cells are already less active and potentially
shrinking!! It is such wonderful news! Tears, big smiles, high fives and
hugs all around!

Couldn't wait to share the news!!!!!! Wrote this during chemo yesterday at JH.

Keep praying, and praising and thanking!!!

"Blessed are the prayer warriors out there in cyberspace who have learned to acclaim YOU, who walk in the light of your presence, O Lord. They rejoice in your name all day long; they exult in your righteousness." Psalms 89:15, 16 – with a little Carol-paraphrasing!




  1. I couldn't say it better: Psalm 150
    Praise the LORD. [a]
    Praise God in his sanctuary;
    praise him in his mighty heavens.

    Praise him for his acts of power;
    praise him for his surpassing greatness.

    Praise him with the sounding of the trumpet,
    praise him with the harp and lyre,

    praise him with tambourine and dancing,
    praise him with the strings and flute,

    praise him with the clash of cymbals,
    praise him with resounding cymbals.

    Let everything that has breath praise the LORD.
    Praise the LORD.

  2. THE BEST NEWS!!! Remember, the home run was just not growing....but shrinking is a grand slam. And after only one month. Look out you creepy little cells, you are going to be history. What beautiful news on this beautiful day. Relax at the shore. If prayers were this successful so fast, just think about what double will do. I am smiling and praying, both thanks and still pleas. Love Pat Lonardo

  3. The power of pray right before your eyes Carol!!I can only imagine you and Frank hearing this amazing news! I am with tears in my eyes and will be on bended knee tonight to give praise. God be with you all ~ Debbie

  4. Carol: Owen and I are actually dancing with joy about your news. love, julie

  5. ML + OJ are jumping for joy...we love you!

  6. Answered prayers. Wow, what a testimony. I am rejoicing!

  7. We're "clanging" our cymbals to join Andy and all your "warriors!" What positive news for which we give thanks and praise! Sending loads of love to you and Frank! This will be a happy weekend with the Bride's best friends and festivities! Horray! Love, June and Steve

  8. Carol,

    Such wonderful news. You and your family are in our prayers daily. You are truly an inspiration.

    God Bless,

    Lynn and Tim Cheney

  9. Dear Carol: This is such fabulous news. Lots of Left Coast prayers sent up to Heaven. Nobody could deserve a positive outcome so fast more than you do. We send our love and a big hug. Larry and Brenda

  10. Carol so happy for you and your family - great news!!

  11. WOW and WOW again.....the fact that you joined this clinical trial in its later stages may mean you got the highest dose....fantastic news...keep it up. Amazing the Power!


  12. Praise the Lord!!! Prayer really does work! Thanks for keeping us posted! I tune in everyday to check your progress! Love ya,


  13. Thank is great news!! Praise the Lord.

  14. Carol: just saw your wonderful news! You have made our day!!!! will keep the postive thoughts and prayers coming.

    Fondly, Gene and Becky

  15. Loved reading this latest blog!!! Halleluyah!
    Your faith, prayers, and positive thinking are winning the war!!! We are praying for continued progress in shrinking those cancer cells, and that your next chemo session will bring even more good news. We love you guys and are praying for all of you. God be with you.
    Nancy and Dan

  16. Carol - What great news! I've been thinking about you a lot and say prayers of health and strength for you wherever I am. Hugs, Brooke

  17. Awesome! If we have faith of a mustard seed...Carol, your faith is so real, deep and inspiring!Thank you for keeping in touch with your blog. It allows us to pray specifically, expecting God to do great things in your life.

  18. We are very happy to read about this great development! This is fantastic news!!! Greetings from the team!

  19. Wow! That's so great! I'm so happy to hear that. I'll keep the positive thoughts coming! -Beth

  20. Rejoicing greatly with you dear Carol, tears of joy, sound the tambourine!! God is our healer and He is greatly to be praised! lydia

  21. The Spirit is leading the prayer charge on your behalf Carol (Rom. 8:26-27). How incredible is that! We are delighting in your wonderful news and are continuing to pray that those hot spots just fizzle out completely. Every cell is under His authority, so saints --- pray on! Love you, Jane

  22. Carol,
    God continues to bless you. I am so happy to hear the good news. I, as well as the prayer team at Blessed Kateri, continue to pray for you.

  23. To God be the glory for the great things he has done, is doing and will continue to do in your life. Whew

    God loves you and so do I
    AME Pastor

  24. Dear Carol,
    What wonderful news! The Lord has encouraged all our hearts. He has rewarded you for singing His praises from the rooftops and giving Him all the glory. Your witness is heard throughout the land. Stay strong in the Lord and in His mighty power. Love you dear one, Linda

  25. Praise God! I have been praying for you here at Savor the Moment! I have been bringing my laptop to work so your mom can read your often brings her to tears, but today, SMILES! She reads every word...even the scriptures. ( I am praying for her,too.) God bless you, Carol! Love,Elisa

  26. That is AWESOME news!!! We definitely will keep praying. God is good! See you in a month and a half.
    Scott and Denise

  27. What wonderful news. We are still praying and thinking of you and knowing that Gods plan is best. Thanks for sharing!

    -Tim and Beth Brady

  28. Oh, Carol, such great news!! Great thoughts and prayers continuing in your direction!

  29. We are all so thrilled about the wonderful news!!
    You are in our thoughts and prayers!!

    Love, Jan, Michael, Ali, Erin and Josh

  30. "Without faith, we can do nothing. But faith can stifle all science." -- Henri Frederic Amiel

    The proof is in the PET scan! Great news for all your family, friends and fans...

    Dave and Carolyn

    P.S. We'll miss you at the LFCU Annual Meeting tomorrow, but we'll be with you in spirit and in faith.

  31. Hi guys-
    Sorry it took so long to post. Of course we have been following the great news.
    I agree with Andy (Psalm 150): Let all that has living breath praise the Lord!
    You keep up the good work - we'll keep up the prayers.
    H & K

  32. Hello Carol,

    I just wanted to let you know that everyone here at the farm has you in their prayers. I was so sorry to hear your news in Christine's e-mail. However, once I read your blog, I was so happy to see that prayers are at work here. Take care of yourself, keep the faith and I look forward to seeing you all real soon.

    Amy Wilkins
    Monteray Farms

  33. Carol,
    Just spent the last 30 minutes reading all the blog posts from the beginning and am thankful for the background information. It was great to get your e-mail this morning, but I will keep up to date reading your blog now. What a great thing...even for us old ladies! We are praying for you. Love, Nancy Wirth
