Sunday, May 10, 2009

Basking in Birthday hugs!

Well, here I am, too many days past my birthday, admitting that it has taken me a while to read all of your wonderful posts to the blog on my special day. I can’t tell you how much those little sentences mean to me. It truly, truly is like a hug from each of you..and from all around the globe! I can see each of your faces in the posts that you put up…in China, Italy, Zambia, Luxembourg, UK, Canada, Germany, Dubai, Malaysia, California, New Jersey, Arizona, Seattle, Toledo, Georgia and, and, and …..oooo EVERYBODY, everywhere the list just goes and goes and goes and I SEE you and just imagine you as you say the words! (okay, yeah, yeah, I’m teary now! blubbering actually.) How can I tell you how much, much, much you mean to mean in this time and this place that I am? I hate this, but I love you. And I love the way you quietly reach out to me with your kind words on the blog and knowing above all that in the words and in the silence you are praying for me ~ each in your own way, talking to our great and mighty God about ME. It is a bit overwhelming. Thank you.

I have to tell you, it was so funny, the week after “56th Birthday in the ER” I do remember thinking, as I was showered with Birthday cards…how do all these folks know that it is my birthday. Then someone ‘fessed up and told me that Sally spilled the beans on the blog! ☺ You lil sneak!

Then I learned that so many of you have made a donation to the Johns Hopkins Pancreatic Cancer Research fund in honor of my birthday. Oh my goodness! I was so touched. At first I felt presumptuous, like “asking” for a birthday present…but after fussing over that thought for a while, I was reminded and realized that I am In This For The Cure! My desire is to see a cure for this disease DURING my lifetime….and your thoughtful donation may be just the gift that accounts to the cure of this horrible, horrible disease. So, I’m over it…and am just thanking you so much for your generosity. I wish each of you could meet Dr. Dan Laheru and his team of researchers. Believe me; your investment is in good, responsible hands.

Join with me to pray for a cure.

I have to say, I don’t think it was until I personally have been in this face to face, eye to eye place that I have truly understood the words of Proverbs 17:17. A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for adversity.

Thank you for being with me on the blog in such a tangible way through my “adversity”.

Love, Carol


  1. Carol,

    I read somewhere that we can only grow to be like Christ as we know Christ--All of him. So God takes us places we would never choose in order to give us what we could never receive anywhere else--HIMSELF.

    You are a great testimony to everyone who knows you.
    With much love & prayers

  2. Carol and Frank,

    My prayers are with you. You are positively courageous and a constant inspiration. Happy Birthday and Mother's Day!

    Love and prayers from Williamsburg,


  3. Carol: We are filled with admiration for you and continue to be amazed by your display of strength, positive attitude, and faith during this stressful and rigorous time. Thank you for keeping everyone up to date on your progress; the blog is great. You, Frank and the family are amazing! Your love for each other and the Lord are an inspiration for all! We love YOU! xox June and Steve

  4. Hi, Carol - I just came out of a meditation room in the Albany airport - it was quiet and there were curved wooden benches and two square pillows on the floor, with small round ones on top. It was very peaceful, had a fountain and some rain foresty music playing quietly to muffle the noise of the flight announcements and tv monitors outside. I wondered how you were doing and prayed for you about the pain block, about stopping the growth of cancer and getting rid of it, about you and your family. And then I came out and logged onto your blog to see if there were updates, and there you were! My thoughts are with you, and I hope you feel all the positive vibes coming your way from the Albany airport on a bright, sunny day here in New York.
    All the best and lots of love -

  5. Dearest Carol
    In our catholic tradition, May 13th is the feast day of Our Lady of Fatima apparition in Portugal in 1917. During Mass I prayed for her to envelope you with her mantle and intercede on your behalf. Just think about how you would ask a deceased family member intercede for you with God in heaven.. Our Lady is excellent at that if you do it with faith and humility.. Her Yes to being the mother of Christ came with very painful consequences. If Christ suffered for our sins, why do we expect not to suffer? I always think that He expects that we surrender our controlling will to him .. after all the Father gave us Life,, we do not have ownership over it.. We are His .. every second..e very hair every breath of our imperfect life. Take heart , he has you in the palm of his hand. I wish though the pain became more tolerable !!!
    All I can say is that yesterday at the Spring luncheon I felt like getting up and breaking the rules perhaps , but I did not think I would because I felt like saying something about experiencing the love of the Father and Christ through you . Just think of how many times God has used you to touch so many people's hearts. I was going to offer myself as an example . It was clearly a loving message from the Holy Spirit through you when you told me once .. " But I know your heart " Unfortunately I was told it was not a good time so I lost courage ... then someone got up to speak about Nan Kemp as to how she was an agent of God who had brought so many people to CBS.. ,,
    I just wanted to tell you that you were everpresent among us then and thought you deserved to be mentioned as such a loving agent of the Father's love . I will keep you in my prayers..

  6. And God who is merciful...that is what I think about when my wife and I lift you in prayer every morning. No matter how it seems, no matter the pain, no matter the tears, no matter the fustration, and I could go on and on, no matter what we serve a merciful God. As a matter of a fact the Word of God says "new mercies we see everday'. In spite of how things are I pray God will continue you to shower you with his mercy.

    I pray for you, you pray for, I love you, I need you to survie (song)

    God loves you and so do I
    AME Pastor

  7. Dearest Carol
    Just wanted to let you today friday morn I am thinking about you and your pain hoping for some relief and peace and strength bearing whispers from our God . Hope for a restorative weekend.
    Love always
