Thursday, July 2, 2009

Today's Update

Just got word from Frank that Carol's vital signs are stable. They are encouraging her to get up and walk around. And keeping her on broad spectrum antibiotics to fight this infection. No word on when she will be released. But things are lookin' up!!


  1. Dear Carol "the Brave" and Frank "the Rock" Marshall,

    Carol, I'm so glad to hear your symptoms are improving and hopefully you are getting back on your feet. Independence Day (from the hospital) is coming soon and we'll be checking back to hear of your progress once those antibiotics really kick in.
    When those fireworks go off on the 4th we hope you both will be relaxing and enjoying them somewhere you love, remembering those great fireworks at Christine's wedding and we will be giving humble thanks for the wonderful men who serve our country...thank-you Chip!
    Prayers and love to you all from your ever-faithful Southern Command in Georgia
    P.S. We have several new enlistments!

  2. We love you and are thinking of you! ML + OJ

  3. I've been remiss not checking the blog daily!! Sorry for the detour in your road to "normalcy"!! We continue to pray for you and Frank and can't wait to have a burger at Martin's (I know you won't be having the burger but we'll find something on the menu!!) Hope we can do this before the end of summer!
    Carol B.

  4. All of your LK Heritage buddies are giving high-fives that this infection is clearing. We miss you here and the candle is being lit every week for your complete healing. Love, Larry and Brenda

  5. Praying for you, Carol - and the fam! You're in my heart and in my thoughts as well. BTW, love the wedding pics. You look wonderful! Much Love, Margie Mulder (ABF)

  6. Hi Carol,
    Sorry to hear about your infection. Will pray for your intentions at Mass today.

  7. Marshalls,

    I love you guys and Jamie and I will praying for you.

    I miss you guys! (Phil. 1:3)

    -Andrew Vput

  8. Hi Carol,

    We hope this week brings an end to the infection and an easy return to your chemo schedule.

    Our loving thoughts are with you always ... hugs for you and Frank,

    Gary & Lori

  9. When life gives us Dandy Lions, make a bouquet! Don't let this bump slow you down! keep up the good fight. I continue to pray for you and your family.

    Amy Wilkins

  10. We celebrate each milestone with you, and pray for each setback with you. It is now time to kick this infection so we can celebrate another milestone. Love ya-

    Angie Thurmond

  11. It is now July 7, I hope you are home and getting strong to get back into the fight. You are such an inspiration to so many of us - sorry you have that role. Prayers, prayers and prayers, my beautiful bracelet is a constant reminder. All our love Pat Lonardo
