This morning I woke up and opened my Bible to Isaiah and did something I generally don’t do… I just flipped to a random verse and thought..hmmm, I wonder what God has for me today? And look where my Bible opened to:
Isaiah 40:
1 Comfort, comfort my people says your God…
3 a voice of one calling: “in the desert prepare the way for the Lord; make straight in the wilderness a highway for our God.
4 Every valley shall be raised up, every mountain and hill made low; The rough ground shall become level, the rugged places a plain.
5 and the GLORY of the Lord WILL BE REVEALED, and all mankind together will see it.
So, there you have it…EVERY valley shall be raised up..EVERY mountain made low, rough ground will be level and rugged places plain. What a promise!! And I pray that God’s glory will INDEED be revealed in this journey through the desert. In December when I was flying over Iraq and Afghanistan and I looked out the window, I thought…wow, I thought the “desert” was just sandy flat, flat, flat…but then I saw the rugged mountains of Afghanistan and the valley. Funny how God can even use those visual pictures in our memories to give us a clearer and clearer picture of His message to us.
Wait! I took a picture out the window of the airplane….THESE are my valleys that will be raised up and the mountains that will be made low. Yep, yep I see some mountains ahead…but boy oh boy we have a great God who is going to guide me through! Yay!
Anyway, just thought I’d share what God showed me today…random, eh?