What’s that Beatles song?? ….
It's getting better all the time, Better, better, better
It's getting better all the time, Better, better, better
Getting so much better all the tiiii iiiime!
This week as been amazing on the new chemo! NO Symptoms. No nausea, vomiting. No weird combo of constipation and diarrhea (tmi, I know!), even the fatigue has disappeared! I have gained 10 pounds! I am feeling so strong and full of energy!
This week was the annual Defense Industry Ethics meeting and so we went back into DC and I went to the meetings every day! In fact, listen to this, yesterday I went to the meeting in the morning, Frank and I had lunch with a friend at Old Ebbit’s Grill, went home to have a visit with Phyllis and Peg (girlfriend time!), immediately went off to a dinner with my best DII pals, home by 9 pm and still ready for action. (Frank was like “okay, energizer bunny, Get To Bed!) ha ha. Anyway, I just couldn’t resist giving you a snapshot of that amazing day!
Honeymooner update: Mr. & Mrs. Maginnis returned last night from their honeymoon in Barbados. I went to the DII meeting this morning then we had lunch, and photo viewing, with the newlyweds before coming out to the shore. They had a wonderful time and are all relaxed and in looooove. Erik leaves Monday to take the boys on the service trip to Ivanhoe for a week.
Tomorrow I am going to a bridal shower for the soon to be daughter-in-law of our sweet neighbors here on the shore. Then on Sunday we are heading back into DC, and I am going with my mom, Christine and Peggy Anne to meeting with Dr. Brenda Hunter a cancer survivor “nutrition guru”. I am really interested to hear what she has to say. I keep hearing more and more and more about helping your body/immune system join in the fight by eating the right things. So I expect to hear lots about raw veggies and fruits, maybe green tea?..who knows. But I am looking forward to it. (Send any advice my way.) When I was in the clinical trial at Johns Hopkins (and I assume now) they were very clear on “No Supplements” since they can actually interfere with the chemo… but they did encourage us to learn more about healthy eating. So I’ve been reading.
Tuesday mom heads back to Ohio, having declared me “Eating just fine!” with a promise to be back the moment we call, or she gets in the mood for a visit.
Wednesday will be a big day. CT Scan to see if this chemo is stalling or even killing the cells (they will measure the tumors on the liver and other organs) and then an appointment with Dr. Laheru. If, if, if it is possible that I can take THIS chemo, in THIS dose and feel like THIS… we are talking huge success and you ALL need to come to the Eastern Shore for a visit b/c I’ll have energy for LOTS of fun times if I can stay on this chemo regime…for years! ☺
So, there’s my latest! Unbelievable that this is the same me of just weeks ago…unbelievable, really. (and so WHY do I say unbelievable?!)….hmmm, guess I’ll just continue to say “Thank You.”
Saturday, June 20, 2009
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