Congrats prayer warriors!! You did it again! Chemo today was great. NO nausea! James 5:16 The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective
No blood draws today (but Robert came up to chemo anyway, just for a visit! With no needles!) Ella Mae said that they have been working on my concoction and “it came to her” to try an additional nausea drug that goes to receptors in a different part of the brain. Apparently there are various locations for receptors and the first two earlier drugs where working somewhat, but were not quite hitting that precise mark.--- notice PAST tense!
So today looked like this: Frank and I, and Sally, arrived JH at 8:30- straight up to chemo for some meetings and prep time (the pharmacy doesn’t mix the recipe until the patient arrives, too expensive to risk a no-show or a delay.) 10:30- IV installed in top of my wrist and the mix starts: first Zofran nausea meds by IV, then the chemo (35 mins); then the new nausea med by mouth (Emend – every day for 3 days); then they kept me around for a sack of water, just to get me fully hydrated incase the Emend didn’t work…and the theory that fluids are always good. (I need to be better about drinking more water.) 12:15- walked to the cafeteria, had lunch, and headed out. Sally back home, Frank and I to the Eastern Shore. No blood draw tomorrow. My veins are squealing with glee not that we don’t LUUUUVE Robert!
Although, one major draw back, I am sure they put some kind relaxer elixir in my mix b/c I was so sluggish that I slept all the way to the Eastern Shore and Frank did not get the benefit of my able assistance from the co-pilot seat!
Actually Ella Mae and Dr. Laheru both mentioned to us today that the chemo effects, particularly the “extreme fatigue” side effect is cumulative and many patients say that after the 3rd session, they are really wiped out. I appear to me in line with that one…slept from JH to here (1.5 hr) wobbled to bed for 3 hours, am up for dinner and pain meds, and am already yearning for my pillow! I also committed not to leave you hanging this week, so I was MOTIVATED to get a big Thank You message out to you and then zonk out again.
Please join me in a special thanksgiving prayer for Sally who joyfully -and adamantly- refuses not to be there with us, is our faithful note- taker and question-asker of the medical staff, full time supporter and prayer partner. Please pray for God’s special blessing on Sally and her family. ~Pray too for Peggy Ann who is out of town but sends me daily emails harassing me about eating, hydrating, not working too much, etc!
You have again proven to be effective in prayer and encouraging in friendship.
Keep those prayers…God is indeed honoring them.
Thank you.
Love and Sweet Dreams, zzzzzzzz