Friday, May 1, 2009

No Pain!

Carol is resting comfortably . . . really comfortably . . . on the Eastern Shore tonight. This afternoon she had a procedure called a celiac plexus block - a deadening of the nerves in the area of her worst pain. As far as she can tell, it was a great success. She'll know for sure in two weeks when the local anesthesia has worn off and the true impact of the block will be realized. But, so far so good!! And if it truly works she will be able to give up the morphine and all its nasty side effects. What a blessing that would be!

Thanks to each and every one of you for your many, many prayers. Carol felt prayed for, loved and finally pain-free. Actually . . . she was so happy in the recovery room she was inviting the nurse to come to their house in Georgetown for drinks when she and her husband come to town next. AND she insisted that Frank write down their address and telephone number!!

Carol promised to write tomorrow. But for now, know that your prayers were heard!!


  1. Halleluyah!!!!!
    That's it - I don't know what else to say!

  2. Carol, your blog continues to be an inspiration. Hope you got the letter from FPC Moorestown . . . Blessings, peace & comfort to you,

    Peter B.

  3. Carol,
    Praise the Lord! He is indeed our Shepherd who provides all our needs. Praise Him for guiding us through the challenges and changes in life.
    Blessings, Mei

  4. Wonderful news!

    Terry and Cindy

  5. Carol,

    Greetings from Warren and Madge in Guilin China. We check your post every day as we have explore this amazing country. You are in our thoughts every day and we wish you complete success in your effort to address the pain you have been experiencing.

    We have been in China for two weeks and plan to fly home on Wednesday from Hong Kong. We hope to actually be on the Eastern Shore next weekend, although it seems very far away at the moment.

    Best to you and Frank!

    Warren & Madge

  6. Love you Carol (and Frank)! Along with so many others, we're bringing your names up often when we're talking to God.

    Bernice (and Dave)

  7. God Bless You Carol and Frank and Sally! It is a Joy and a Privilege to Pray! Thank you for the Blog--we rejoice with you for Christine and Erik! May you enjoy, Carol--free from pain--the sweet pleasures of God's Grace in the Love and support of Family and friends and in the newness of Spring!
    With Love, Amy

  8. Candles lit at Mass for you, dear Carol. We are saying constant prayers for your quick recovery and return to all that life has in store - a wedding!!!
