Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Wonderful News and Answer to Prayer!

"Call to Me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know, says the Lord."

Well He did!!!!

Today was the Johns Hopkins day for blood draw, CT Scan and appointment with Dr. Laheru - my wonderful, dedicated oncologist.

CT Scan showed NO NEW TUMORS and NO GROWTH OF EXISTING TUMORS. Blood markers are down!! So this is it!!! The new chemo regimen is the Right One!!

As Dr Laheru told us in the beginning, if we can just "stop cells from growing"
that is success--as we continue working on a cure for pancreatic cancer!

So I now have a "chronic condition" that we treat with daily chemo!

Next thing: back to Johns Hopkins next Tuesday for the IV infusion of chemo and I continue to take chemo pills each morning/evening. The first few days there is nausea. Hey! I'm not complaining!! I will go every 21 days for chemo IV
infusion at Johns Hopkins..

CT Scan every 2 months to see that this chemo recipe is still working and has
not been out-smarted by the cancer cells. I will keep you posted.

Please join with us as we Thank God for HIS hand in this wonderful result. --
and please continue to pray for complete healing! -- "Stopping growth" is a
success to the JH team, but hey, I'm selfish!!

Other updates:
My mom drove safely 6 hours back to Cleveland yesterday with a promise to be
back soon.

Christine is back to work at the new rotation assignment at the Pentagon and
really, really likes it - and her new co-workers. Erik is off to Ivanhoe for 10
days with the boys. We saw the little wife yesterday for dinner and she misses
her husband!

Andrew heads out today for the 16 hour drive to Maine to his camp job for the

Chip is the big news! He just heard yesterday that he will NOT be deployed to
Afghanistan with the rest of his unit in a few weeks-- instead he will stay in
San Diego because he was selected for a Marine Expeditionary Unit that deploys
next Spring. (They send the unit out on a ship to be "expedited" to hot spots
around the globe as needed.). Of course I am thrilled b/c it means Chip is on
our same continent and just an easy flight away for visits!!

Oh, and about eating: I am taking all your advice on healthy eating. Whole
Foods is our new market! Mega fruits and vegetables, all organic, no
preservatives, and cottage cheese/flaxseed oil every day. And no sugar. I keep
reading that Cancer Loves Sugar, so that's no fun b/c so does Carol!

We are still on Cloud Nine with this wonderful news!!! Wahoo! Thank you God!

"In my distress I called to the Lord and He answered me. From the depths I called for help. And you listened to my cry." Jonah 2:2

Love to you ALL! Thanks for standing by me in friendship and in prayer. I am



  1. How ABSOLUTELY FABULOUS to get this great news! Prayer is at work as is our Lord! We can feel your jubilance and we join you and Frank in thanksgiving! Hugs and sooo much love! June and Steve

  2. Wahooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo


  3. No new cancer cells and no Afghanistan, could it get any better!!!! This is honestly a true turning point in your saga, challenge, journey!! God has given you a miracle. We are soooo happy for you and your wonderful family. But we will continue to pray with prayers of gratitude!
    Carol B.

  4. Awesome news. Really and truly. Horizons are falling back! Dick Sauber

  5. Great news! Patty shared this at church tonight, as there are a lot of people there that have you on their daily prayer list...applause all around!! One lady (a friend of Patty's mom, about 80+) almost started dancing for joy!! We should all be singing that praise song "How great is our God, sing with me How Great is our God..." Love Patty and Jerry

  6. This news is like pure, cold water to parched lips--perfect, timely and graciously given by the One who satisfies the deepest longings of our souls. How great, indeed, is our God who shows mercy and compassion and tenderness to us in the big things and the small things in our lives. This one is HUGE!

    Continuing to hold you up in prayer,
    Carolyn A.

  7. I wish you could see the big smile on my face!!
    Love -

  8. Hi Carol,

    I am thrilled to hear that the new "cocktail" is working and that you're feeling so much better! I hope to see you sometime before I leave for DE and maybe I'll even make it to the shore sometime this summer if you're still feeling good.

    Love you!

  9. CArol! All of this news is so exciting. Oh how the Lord is blessing your faithfulness. We are so encouraged by the way you approach life's challenges and continue to give thanks and praise. We will pray that you will continue in this healthy pattern.

    Melissa (Cooper) Matthews

  10. Wow!!! We couldn't be happier. Truly an answer to our prayers. We'll keep it up.
    H & K

  11. This is all great news Carol! We're rejoicing with you. And continuing to pray. Love you!


  12. Hi Carol,
    We are loving all this good news! Glad you are back to doing the things you love. The newlyweds sound great! The pictures were beautiful! HAve a great weekend!
    Love Ruthanne & Chuck

  13. Great News!!!

    Greetings from the National Frankfurt Team :-)

  14. This calls for a celebration --- thank you Lord! He is merciful and ready to show His kindness and love. We pray that you, Frank and the kids are able to feel the stress start to disappear and feel the joy of this new path that God's put you on. Enjoy your newfound strength Carol. We are still mindful of your needs and are lifting you up in prayer continually. Love you, J and J

  15. Hi Carol!!! What amazing news! Thank our God who knows you inside and out! Your Mom showed me the pics from the wedding beautiful! I loved the pics that a friend took while Christine and Erik were having their first dance...the true joy on your face (and your Mom's) was so beautiful! I cried right along with your mom as she showed me the pics and recounted the great time she had with you all. Take care of yourself...Love, Elisa (Savor the Moment)
