Monday, July 27, 2009

Back in the Fight & Steppin’ Out!

Let’s see…update first. It doesn’t seem that the block was a “slam dunk” no pain whatsoever, but it certainly is much, much better than before I went in. I still am having the weird break through pain now and then that I just can’t figure out the cause or the explanation. I had lots of tests and the very best news is that the CT scan they did while I was at Johns Hopkins and during my time off chemo showed No Growth or Spreading of the tumor. I can only give God all the credit for that. He DID take care of me during that time just as we prayed.

So, I was discharged from the hospital on Tuesday, then immediately went downstairs to outpatient and started up on Chemo again. It is the same combination of Oxyplatin/Xeloda that was working. –AND the good news continues that I have no nausea after the first few days. That is the best! In fact, I am feeling so spunky that we decided to FLY to CALIFORNIA, leaving tomorrow! for 10 days to see friends and family before we have to be back here again for the next chemo infusion. (I get the chemo- the Oxyplatin- by IV every 21 days and then take it (the Xeloda) orally every morning and every evening in a pill for 14 of the 21 days).

Friday (the party is on Saturday), Frank’s dad has his 89th birthday! That’s a family party we don’t want to miss! And of course…we get to see Chip, who is driving up from San Diego for the weekend in Orange County!

At some point during the following week Frank and I are going to drive up to Thousand Oaks to visit all of our friends there. In fact, Paul and Mary Anne Alexander have offered to have everyone close by to the old neighborhood come by for dessert one evening that week. (I know I am being so selfish asking you to come to me…but it would be so great to see friends! I think it might be on Wednesday evening but I guess I should check it out with Mary Anne and Paul! Hee hee. -- SOoooooo, watch this space and I’ll just put it on the blog and spread the word so we can see you!) Friday morning we are back to DC in time for chemo IV the following Tuesday.

So, either this is going to be so freeing, or I am an idiot for taking on a big trip 3,000 miles from Dr. Dan and the team! I admit feeling a little nervous. I was looking at some wedding snapshots the other day and thought, WOW what an answer to so so so many prayers that God gave me such energy on that day. Now I am asking for TEN days! Hey…your prayers were so effective for the wedding..can I ask for your prayers again as we step out on this adventure? I am praying that I will listen to my body and rest when I need rest, and don’t overdo it so that I hit the wall and later chastise myself saying “well, you did that to yourself Carol!” Although I think I am most nervous about the long flight itself.

But when we told Dr. Dan that we were thinking of doing this, he was so supportive. And I get it…at some point, I need to Live Life during the 21 days between Hopkins appointments. So here we go.

That’s the news! I will keep you posted from my blackberry!




  1. Dear Carol,
    I am crying with joy as I read this blog. Praise God for helping you through this again. But, you can't give God all of the credit! You are an incredibly strong woman, who must realize that some of this, you personally deserve credit for. As a friend of yours and a woman suffering from a chronic pain disease, you will learn, that you and you alone will be responsible for learning signals your body is sending you, and that you MUST listen to them. As I said before, SLEEP is a powerful healing mechanism that is critical in helping you function to your best ability. I am not lecturing you and I don't profess to know what having cancer is like, but I have learned after 10 plus years of dealing with my own demon, that your body will give you signals, please listen to them. I am so happy that you guys are coming to visit, I can't wait to see you! Obviously, you know that everyone that knows you, cares deeply about you. I must confess, I check your blog many times a day, waiting for good news. (I am not a stalker, heehee, I really care). Please take it slowly, this will be a big trip for you, it may be physically tough, but I am sure emotionally tough as well, and that too is a signal you must listen to. I will pray that God gives you the strength to pull this off without a hitch. I will pass the word along to others that you are coming.
    Love you forever,
    Carol J. OP

  2. Carol & Frank,
    We are soooo excited that you are coming for a visit. Can't wait to see you!
    Lots of Love,
    Denise & Bob

  3. Here you are taking a 10 day summer certainly are making me feel like a "loser", I have barely left Kensington this summer!!!! Good for you, you are exactly right, you should live the precious life you have to the fullest, and you definitely are!! Have a wonderful time in California!
    Carol B.

  4. Have a great trip-- so well deserved and earned through all this stuff. I know Frank will take good care of you---can't wait to see you both when you come back- Dick Sauber

  5. Dear Carol. How wonderful that you can get away and back to the Left Coast! Depending on how Larry is feeling, I'd love to come to your friend's house and say hi. I don't think I know her so if Frank can email me, etc. I'll do my best. Love, Brenda

  6. Carol -
    It is so wonderful to hear that you guys are taking an "air" trip. Enjoy! I know your CA friends will love giving you real hugs.
    You are in our prayers.
    Be sure to listen to your bodyand rest when it tells you too!!!
    Love -

  7. Hugs to Carol and Frank, can't wait to welcome you back to "the bubble" aka Oak Park! For those of you who'd like to stop by it's 1302 King James Court, Oak Park, CA 91377. And Wednesday is perfect, or whatever day you feel up to it, Carol. We'll watch the blog for the final day. I'll call Crystal and Joe!
    Love you guys,
    Paul and Mary Anne

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Carol,

    I'm very glad that you are able to get out and live life as you said! But still, please be careful! I know that God will be with you for the entire trip though. Too bad I won't be able to see you this weekend when Aunt Patty and Uncle Jerry are up here! Still, I'm also very very glad that Frank gets to be there for his dad's birthday. All the best, and say hi to my dad for me! Haha just kidding. I'll be seeing him in Simi Valley soon enough.

    Brent Rose

    (sorry, messed up on that last post)

  10. Carol

    It is great news that there was no growth or tumor while you were off Chemo. God is watching out for you. We're excited that you and Frank
    are going to Ca. to see the people you love and who love you. Wish Frank's dad a happy birthday for me. We will be praying that you have a great trip and no pain.
    Love & hugs
    Patty & Jerry

  11. Carol...We are SO excited that you and Frank will be here out west! This is very much an answer to our prayers. And with that thought, we'll be petitioning the Lord to relieve any pain and fatigue that would limit the joy of this visit. So, celebrate -- but not too much! :o} Conservation of energy is a very good thing. Be very good to yourself.

    You know that we'll be with you in spirit, as we will not be in town during your visit. That, of course, makes us very sad. However, just knowing that you are hanging in there enough to even board that airplane is a huge victory and we're thrilled that you get to connect with all of our local buddies out here. We miss you and Frank and look forward to hearing about a wonderful visit in Socal.

    And just to remind you -- we're asking the Lord to demolish the enemy's evil intentions, whatever they may be. God knows them and is right on it!

    Enjoy each and every reunion. Our hugs to you and Frank. Love, J and J

  12. You go girl! The trip sounds fabulous and well deserved. Praying for lots of energy and no pain on your vacation. Enjoy your friends and family!
    Jane, Eric, Lindsay, and Emily

  13. We're so happy that you are up for the trip to California. Have a wonderful time celebrating family and friends.

  14. (SONG) "If I had the wings of a dove I would fly fly away, and be at rest". So take those wings and fly and when you set down take time to rest, just like milk it does a body good.

    Rejoice in the Lord always and again I say rejoice. Phi. 4:4

    God loves you and so do I
    AME Pastor

  15. Dear Carol and Frank: Soooo happy you are getting a change of pace with a trip to California. It's terrific you can be at Frank's Dad's celebration AND see the Chippers! We know everyone will be thrilled that you are there. We miss being WITH you but we don't miss a day PRAYING with you and FOR YOU! We send our love from Maui and are joyful that you are celebrating. So much love, June and Steve

  16. Carol,
    Way to go! I am so happy for you! You flew right over us! We wish we could see you and Frank here in Colorado Spring!

    We are praying for the days for you and that you will continue to walk from "strength to strength."

    Sending love,

