Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Today's News Straight from Carol!

Hello all!
I have my Blackberry back under my thumbs again, so I thought I'd send
an update. Although I know that Christine and Frank have been giving real-time
updates. I am happy to say that, although I am still in Hoag Hospital in
Newport Beach (there goes the vacation!) I have been transferred out of ICU to a
regular unit on clear liquid diet. (Mm-mmm Ensure is my new best friend!!) Just
need to get to the place where I can get my muscles back, get out of the bed,
get the infection cleared up and then we can get back to DC and Johns Hopkins to
get the stents fixed up. (Did I tell you they think the internal bleeding was
caused by the stent/s moving?) Glad they got that patched up!

It is nice to be feeling back into the swing of things. I can't thank you enough
for your prayers during this specific time when you were getting blog updates
though Sally, Christine and Frank. Whew it has been quite an 11 days. A bit of
a blur there for a while I was fully relying on God guiding the decisions of
every doctor, nurse, assistant, family and friend! As always, He Was Faithful.
The result at this point is no more ICU, no internal bleeding, infection
clearing up, tests, tests, tests, but hopefully I will be out of the hospital in
a few days and then scheduled back to Johns Hopkins for "clean up" surgery on
the stent/s. I have to say though, if we had to extend our "vacation" with
Frank's family, Hoag Hospital has been wonderful. I feel as though I have had
great medical care here and while I have been hospitalized (no surprise) our
family has been so, so, so amazing. Chip has been able to drive up here to
Newport Beach from his base in Miramar (San Diego--about an hour or so). He
spent "night watch" in my room early during the ICU phase when I was pretty much
out of it. Christine took a night on the lovely vinyl cot also! Christine and
Erik also extended their stay out here and she has set up a little office right
here in the corner of my hospital room with her laptop, mouse, etc etc and she
hasn't missed a beat! Gotta love this new technology and understanding
colleagues who are also out there in cyber space!! Andrew calls almost each day,
feeling frustrated that he can't be out here, but there doesn't seem to be any
reason to make the trip here from DC. Family and 2 girl friends from Oak Park
have spent many daytime here just helping me get back, encouraging, keeping
notes, and being eyes/ears to all the docs and medical-types who come by with
messages and updates that all, candidly, become a blur. Our biggest challenge is
to get Frank to take SOME time away from this hospital and get some rest!

Oh, speaking of Frank though and time at hoag Hospital--- I have to tell you the
funniest story. The other night Johnny and Michele (Frank's middle brother) had
made some of their signature enchilda sauce (!) And invited everybody over for
enchilada dinner. Well somehow, when they arrived at John and Michele's house,
Chris tripped, fell down and hit her head on the payment and a little bump
raised on the back of her head. So in an abundance of caution, Paul (youngest
brother) brought her in to Hoag Emergency Room! They checked her out, gave her a
bandage and sent her home and said to wake up in the night just to be checked.
So Frank says "Mom, I get up a couple times during the night anyway, I'll come
check on you. Besides, been through this with Carol, I know all the questions
they want asked." So at midnight he wakes up, pads downstairs and whispers "Mom,
how are you doing?" And she sits up in a loud voice and hollers:"CHRIS MARSHALL;
BALBOA CALIFORNIA; AUGUST 2009." Ha ha. It sounds so funny. Frank thinks she
was laying in bed since 10pm just waiting for him to come downstairs!! Good
news is that she is just fine, although we are considering requesting a Marshall
Discount at Hoag!

As to me, we are still looking Up. Not sure when we head back to East Coast for
the "Clean Up surgery" depends when I am released from Hoag and declared "ready
to fly". We will keep you posted on THAT prayer request for me+Frank+American
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry


  1. Carol, we're so pleased that you seem to be doing so much better. Loved the story about Franks mom. We'll continue to pray that you will be ready to head east ASAP and get that stubborn stent fixed. Hugs to you and Frank, Wally & Eileen

  2. Omigosh Carol, I just read your note and tried to hear it in your beautiful, cheery voice and it came through. You are amazing, 11 scary days and you sound like you just took a little rest. You are an inspiration. Okay, prayer agenda - infection gone, strength back, and pesky stent fixed. We look forward to welcoming you back to DC. Love Pat and Joe Lonardo

  3. WooHoo!!!!! I knew with the grace of God and your "Wonder Woman" powers you would get this straightenend up!! Thank you Lord, again for helping our lovely Carol through another battle. Hope Frank is doing OK as well. I spoke with him a litle over a week ago and he sounded soooo tired, I felt bad that I even bothered him. He may not even remember the call, but I was so worried and there had been no update. Please apologize to him for me. My good friend Anne wrote to you, she is a cancer survivor and is a reverend and a major prayer warrior, she has many of people praying for you as well. I hope you are at least enjoying your little prayer stone I sent down, you can use the other stuff when you get home, It really helps with dry sensitive skin. I hope Mary Anne gave you a little kiss for me when she brought the gifts down, I asked her to, I miss you and think of you every day. I say a prayer at least once a day. What no private jet?? Come on, ya gotta have some connections!! Take care sweetie, keep getting better!!
    Love you forever,
    Carol J. Oak Park

  4. Carol,
    I'm so glad that you are out of ICU. You had me worried, but I knew you were in God's hands. You now sound like the old Carol. My mom loved insure and would drink it everyday. I never cared for it myself, but if it makes you well then DRINK UP! We will still be praying for all of you. Hope to see you sometime soon in DC.
    Big Hugs to all,
    Patty & Jerry

  5. Carol, so good to hear your "voice"! Thahk you so much for bringing us along on each step of the journey. I've already been praying for the next leg.

    love you,
    sue m

  6. Hi Carol,
    I'm so glad to hear that you are out of ICU and on the mend! I've never been hospitalized, so I have no idea what it is really like; but Joanne explains it all to me. You are amazing! An old mutual friend, Phil Gould, said to say Hi. They are in the process of selling their house in Seattle and moving to Williamsburg, VA. Steve promised to bring wedding pictures next week to share with us. So, we will all be thinking about you while we pray for a quick and safe return back home. Hugs and prayers to you and your family.
    Tony and Joanne

  7. Hey there friend...we had wanted so desperately to get down to see you, but knew that you were not up for visitors for some time. Perhaps we can sneak down there before you leave and after we get back from being gone from home, which will be next week. Selfishly, we want to see you, but we know that your trip back to DC is so important for recovery and healing. So, we will continue praying that you get back on the beam really fast and board that plane with a song in your heart, soaring with the wings of eagles all the way back to DC!

    Still praying and praising for all that He is doing throughout your journey Carol. Love you, J and J

  8. I saw a "WooHoo" in the above comments so I think it is OK if I do a Yahoo + DOMINOES. So glad to hear from you, we are praying + thinking of you constantly + ready for you to return to GNR! We love you, ML + OJ

  9. Carol & Frank: We are delighted that things are looking up and you are feellng better. Answered prayers. We prayed one night with the Dando's and another couple. Of course it got a bit emotional and when we finished our friends said she must be a special person. For sure and it allowed June and I to tell many C&F stories. In addition to many prayers we are constantly thinking of both of you and passing on to others how special you both are and the experiences we have shared. We had dinner with Doris and Vince before leaving Mammoth and you were the center of the conversation. We share your feelings about being in the right hospital and having the big family around you for support, prayer and love. Hugs to you both. Steve & June.

    cAROL b.

  11. Glad to see you are back on the blackberry and feeling better. We have been getting updates from Erik & Christine. You are surrounded with a lot of love out there, but we're glad you are able to make the trip back to DC. Being in your own house is always the best when you don't feel well. Take care and have a safe trip back!
    Hugs from the Maginnis crew!
    Ruthanne & Chuck

  12. Great to hear your voice again. Get healthy and get back to JH. Frank- that Sector has totally gone to the dogs since you left it- we love you both!! Saubers

  13. We're SOOOooo glad to hear you are out of ICU & feeling better! Lucky for all of us that you were near a great hospital...be sure to plan your next vacation near a good one too! (Hey, maybe you should call Fodor's...this may be a new line line of travel books for them!;) ) XO Wendy & Bobby

  14. Great to "hear" your voice again!
    You even sound quite merry!
    We know you must be getting well
    'cause you're back up on the 'berry!!

    Love and hugs,
    Carolyn Arneson

  15. Carol - so thrilled to read your message and have you making all of us smile again. You're amazing -- Christ shines through you! My CBS TD once said that no one should whine, because when you complain, you mock those who truly suffer. I know you have times of true suffering, Carol, in this battle you're fighting, and yet there is no whining, just praising our God. You please Him, and point everyone watching to a great and loving Father, for who could do this as you are doing this without Him??? I'm so grateful to be able to pray on your behalf, and to witness Him so clearly carrying you along. So glad you're out of ICU and on the mend...can't wait to hear you're back on the east coast and heading up to Hopkins! Sending hugs, Kristy

  16. Carol & Frank, Bob and I are on our way from CA to VA. We'll be there Sept. 1st and can't wait to be with you again. So good to hear that you are recovering well. We wanted so much to be with you at the hospital but knew that more visitors was not what you needed. Thanks for keeping us up to date. We love you and are lifting you up in prayer.
    Bob & Denise

  17. Dear Carol,
    Am so pleaed that you are "baaaaack" on the BB - funny how Christine has not fallen far from the tree - I can see her typing away on her laptop and keeping up as I remember seeing you do in the kitchen in your Potomac home (and on a conference call) while you were getting a salad ready for dinner and then, off the conference call and asking Andrew as he was headed to the grocery store to pick up a few items right after he received his drivers license! What great memories of great times spent together

    And, thanks to God, the Marshall family, and Hoag Memorial, we will have even more great times once you get back to DC.

    It is so good to hear your "voice" and I hope that Frank is resting.

    God does work in miraculous ways!!

    Much love and rest up!!

    Lynne and Jerry

  18. Good Morning Sweet Friend! What fantastic news. God is faithful, your family is amazing, and we continue to pray with you and for you multiple times a day. May God's mighty healing hand continue to build and restore you in everyway. If you are up to additional 'company', even just a quick minute, while you are still here in Hoag just let us know. Much love, Jan <><

  19. Hi Carol,
    It's wonderful to hear your cheerful voice again! We are thrilled that you are out of ICU and getting stronger each day. Hopefully, Frank is able to get some rest now, too! We send our love and best wishes your way ... hoping you are able to return to the East Coast soon.
    Lots of love, Gary & Lori

  20. Hi Carol,
    Just wanted to send a quick note to let you know that your neighbors on Gosling Lane are thinking of you. You are in my prayers each night. I'm happy to hear that you are out of ICU and wish you a safe return to the East Coast. Hope to see you out at the Eastern Shore soon.
    Pam Hunt and family

  21. Carol,
    I love how your beautiful strength, faith and warm essence shine through the murkiness, and that your wonderful family is in lockstep beside you. That, to me, describes the true art of healing. Before long you'll be soaking up laughter in your lovely Georgetown and Eastern Shore gardens with a glass of wine! In the meantime, I shall toast you from afar as you imbibe Ensure! Keep up the strong work. Cheers, Stacey Sauter

  22. Dear sweet Carol, So glad to hear you are chirping on your blackberry again.... keeping us informed about "you" and the progress you are making. Praying for the Lord's sustaining love and strength to be with you. Hoping you will be back in DC soon and that this stent can be fixed and you will be on the mended. May you continue to trust Him who loves you more than all of us. " For you shall go out in joy, and be led back in peace; the mountains and the hills before you shall burst into song." Isaiah 55:12 Carol, may you abandon yourself to His care and guidance, as a sheep in the care of the Shepherd, and trust Him utterly and always. Love you dear one in Christ, Lowrie

  23. Dear Carol, Frank and Family,
    We have just heard of Carol's illness, we are so very shocked and at a loss for words. Our thoughts and prayers are with you. Carol you are truly an amazing woman and have such a very strong faith, May God Bless you and give you strength.
    Love Sue & Paul Antonsen
