Thursday, August 13, 2009

Answered Prayer . . . In a Different Way

Just got this email from Christine. Carol's procedure has been postponed until it can be done back home at Hopkins. Apparently the doctors at Hoag and Hopkins conferred last night and made the decision. Thanks for all the prayer!

From Christine . . . . .

Just talked to Dr. Lee – the gastroenterologist – who had a long conversation with Dr. Giday (the gastroenterologist at Hopkins) and they have decided not to do the procedure today because of complications that can arise from trying to manipulate the stent. CT scan showed no evidence of perforation and the contrast flowed freely to the intestine so there is no obstruction there. They plan to put her on a full liquid diet for nutrition, let her recover from the trauma of the bleeding, and readdress the stent in a few weeks time (at Hopkins).

Both doctors agreed that at this point it’s better for her to completely recover from her initial bleeding episode and then do the procedure later when she’s stronger. There is no emergency threat right now. If she looks as good as yesterday they plan to transfer her out of ICU. The goals before releasing her from the hospital are to manage pain and get her strong. The moved stent is not what is causing her pain, it is most likely aggravating what pain already existed. Dr. Lee is not worried about internal bleeding again - he irrigated the area a lot when he was in there yesterday and often times that can cause a bleed, which it didn’t.

If there is continual pressure pushing the stent out there is a risk of perforation with time, however the risk of perforating her while performing the procedure is higher. Dr. Giday was surprised it had moved – both doctors agree the tumor in-growth within the bile duct had pushed it out. Fixing this issue will be a challenge wherever she goes to get it addressed. Right now she needs to progress well with a diet and get pain under control. Fixing the issue is really a timing issue – they need to find a window of opportunity to do this when she’s at her most optimal health – right now her platelets are low and she’s weak from the internal bleeding.


  1. Thanks, Sallly and Christine, for the update. We say a zillion prayers for Carol, Frank. all the family AND the doctors in getting Carol stabilized. We love you all and ache for all you're going through. May our Lord hold your hands at every turn and help our Carol gain strength. We are grateful that Frank has had family nearby for support. We love you and will continue to join "Carol's Warriors" in prayer. June and Steve

  2. Pulling for you Carol to get strength back for the trip home- better to have all these issues managed at JH in any event. Hope to see you both safe and sound back east Hugs all around- Dick Sauber

  3. Carol:

    We are praying for you as hard as we can. May God bless and hurry you home so that the team at Hopkins can go back to work and help you fight this thing.
    -- Donna and Dave

  4. Thank you, Sally and Christine, for keeping us up to date. Please squeeze her hand for me and pass along my love. Nancy

  5. Carol and Frank,
    We are all praying! "A friend loves at all times, and a brother (or sister) is born for adversity" (Proverbs 17:17). You have so many of us joining you and your family in prayer.
    Much love, dear one,

  6. Dear Carol,
    I prayed big time last night, and it seems that the best decision has been made. Thank You Lord. I know you will get stronger, you are tough and your faith is keeping you in the game, keeping your mindset on track. I think you should contact one of your peeps for a private jet ride home!!!! You guys certainly deserve it. Love to all and
    Love you forever,
    Carol J O.P.

  7. Praying that God will give you courage, hope and release from any anxiety as you rebuild your strength, Carol. May His Word continue to minister to you in unfathomable ways.

    From the heart,

  8. Carol you continue to be the warrior we know you are. May He continue to give you the strength and love that you deserve so very much. We will continue to pray for your complete recovery and for Frank and your family to maintain the strength and love they have so admiringly exhibited. All our love, Wally & Eileen

  9. Dear Carol, I know you are exhausted from the ups and downs of this illness. Your spirit is so strong and that lends great strength to the body. I have seen this many times where I work. God bless you, Frank and the family. You know it is one day at a time with God. Get stronger to fight the next battle. Love to you and Frank, Joanne DiP

  10. Dog walkers, cyclists, kayakers, gardeners, joggers and other ilk along Goose Neck Road are rooting for you, dear Carol.

    Can't wait to see YOUR power-walking self here!
    Shar McBee

  11. Carol, Just heard about the trial you are having and wanted to let you know we are praying for you. Sorry about the problems you and your family are experiencing right now. Know that God is faithful and merciful and we will keep you and your family in our prayers and follow along now that I know where to find you! "So we do not lose heart. Though our outer nature is wasting away, our inner nature is being renewed day by day. For this slight momentary affliction is preparing for us an eternal weight of glory beyond all comparison, because we look to the things that are unseen. The things that are seen are transient, but the things that are unseen are eternal." 2 Corinthians 4:16-18 In His love, Wayne and Linda

  12. Dear Sister Carol, I am a friend of Carol J. who lives in CA. I live in the San Juan Islands WA. I am a breast cancer surviver and want you to know I have been through it all and my heart and prayers are with you and your family and friends. I knew, I won either way and had a peace and joy that passed all human understanding. The doctors and all were baffled at my spirit and witness to all. Only Our God could do that. He will be right by your side. I have a particular photo I'd like to send you with an explaination and the verse given for it is: "But the Lord stood at my side and gave me strength, so that through me the message might be fully proclaimed." 2 Timothy 4:17 and another fav. is " He stretches out the north over empty space, and hangs the earth on nothing." Job 26:7 So if the good Lord can do that may the peace He promises you be there forever and ever. I will provide my e-mail if you can contact me or have a family member I can send the photo as we are photographers and this one is very special. Your sister in Christ Anne Willis

  13. Dear Carol,
    Our mightiest prayers are with you tonight and may God's love protect you from pain and grant you a peaceful night of sleep.
    Out love too to Frank.

    Lynne and Jerry

  14. Praying that Carol is well on her way to recovery and back to her beloved JH team. So much love coming your way and so many prayers. Love, Larry and Brenda

  15. Dear Carol,
    I just learned of the challenges you are facing and have read each entry into your blog. My prayers are with you and your family. It has been many years since we have talked, but there is no surprise that you are loved by so many. I have always thought of you as a very loving, giving person. My heart saddens that you are in so much pain, but I find your faith lifting!
    I loved seeing the pictures and hearing the stories of you family! Wedding pics of Christine were beautiful and you looked spectacular!
    My son Martin is also a Marine and living in San Diego area with his wife. He is a Captain in Communications working with the deployment of helicopters. In fact he was on the first MEU that went out in recent years. He has served two tours in Iraq and will be going to Afghanistan in the spring.
    Nicole and husband live close to me in Tampa and have blessed me with two grandchildren Olivia 7 and Evan 4. Kristen and her husband just opened a restaurant in Portland, OR.
    You have been in my thoughts as I have recently found some pictures of Chip and Christine with my family when they were all little. I can be reached through Facebook if you would like me to send you copies of the pictures.
    Much Love to you and your family!
    Jeanne Bebell

  16. Dearest Carol,
    It is Sunday evening, I have been thinking of you all day and hoping that you are feeling better. It is the day of rest, and I am sure you are doing just that. Be strong, get well! Know that everyone that knows you is praying for you to get better and you are loved by many.
    Gob Bless you and your family,
    Love you forever,
    Carol J OP

  17. Dearest Carol & Frank,
    Marty and I have been at a beach rental in Newport all week and are just catching up with email. I can't believe you are still here. Please, if there is anything we can do, even a quick five minute visit to bring an in person smile, love an prayer . . .just let us know. Lunch with both of you was a precious gift and blessing. THANK YOU very, very much. We love you dearly and will be a your side at the snap of your fingers . . .well, a phone call for sure! Jan Pickett

  18. ML + OJ thinking and praying all weekend long while with Joshua and Deanne in Omaha. Please tell Carol that the table pictures were absolutly beautiful and received many wonderful comments. We love you guys!

  19. We are so sorry to hear of this latest challenge, Carol and family! Praying for your time there and the flight home. Also praying for your doc's wisdom as he proceeds. May the Hand of God touch that pain and send it away! Love you, Dan and Patty Winter

  20. Dear Carol, Frank, Christine, Chip, and Erik,
    We are praying for Carol to continue to gain strength for the return trip to the East Coast and a successful proceedure to fix the problematic stent. Thank for sharing on this blogspot. It helps us all stay connected.
    Jane, Eric, Lindsay and Emily
    PS Eleven days until Lindsay moves into her dorm room at U of Delaware!

  21. To Carol and all of her precious loved ones,
    Paul and I continue to keep you in our thoughts and prayers. We know how much support your getting on BOTH coasts but can't wait for you to get back here, which would indicate renewed strength to fight this battle. I'll keep checking in.
    Much Love,
    Carol B.
