Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Wednesday Night Message from Carol

So many folks have mentioned they were thinking of us during the endoscope yesterday, so I figured I would give another update. The endoscope seemed to go well, it seemed me….. I do know that the procedure was supposed to be about 20 minutes and Dr. Giday stayed in there for an hour with his little camera looking around and snipping this and that. So, now we just wait for the results.

Next up is another Liver Biopsy on Monday, along with “chemo class” and a few other human pin-cushion tests. (I am trying not to let it go to my head, but whenever I roll up my sleeves, the phlebotomist invariably declares, “Wow, you have GREAT VEINS!” I think I was built to be a drug addict…just missed my calling and am devoted to Business Ethics instead.) Tuesday I have a PET scan. So back up to Johns Hopkins…those folks are terrific. Over and over we are so impressed and appreciative of their knowledge, compassion, and devotion to healing.

I did receive a note from my good pal Dick Bednar after hearing the word on the endoscope who said, “Carol, must have been tough on you not being able to talk for a whole hour!” But I assured him that I saved up All My Words while Dr. Giday was busy doing his thing and I just jabbered all the way home in the car! Thanks for thinking of me. xoxo Carol


  1. Sally! This is so cool. I feel as though I have dragged into the new millenium! my very own blog!! thank you. (the other day, my good friend Jennifer Schultz told me that I was Showing My Age and to quit referring to you guys as "my entourage" are now My Posse! :) Carol

  2. Carol, I cannot tell you what a huge encouragement it is to hear you talk about the pipeline that the Holy Spirit has opened up for you! It is such an affirmation that God IS, and that his goodness is not based on our understanding. We don’t have to know the answers in order to have faith, but what HUGE gift that He is giving you His presence so clearly. You are standing on a precipice not of your choosing, but from it, you are seeing HIM. I feel like a little kid standing next to you, too short to see over the edge, but close enough to hear every description. Keep sharing. sue

  3. Hi Mom - we're talking on the phone right now...don't worry, you're not a loser just becuase no one has written your blog...I love you!

  4. aww, thanks Christine! seriously I logged thanks for taking a second out of your work day for your old mom! Andrew is up and rolling and doing the piles of laundry he brought home!:) and Chip is on his way! yay! all the chicks back in the nest... love ya! mom

  5. ooops, I deleted part of my sentence. I meant to say
    I logged on this morning to my new B L O G (am I not the coolest mom-EVER!) but didn't see any posts, and thought...geez, I am such a loser! this feels like Jr High all over again :) hee hee hee! have a good day today! m

  6. Carol - A blog - how cool! Pat H sent me the link. As always, you are an inspiration. Along with all your remarkable friends and family, my positive thoughts and prayers are with you on this journey Go girlfriend! Love, Pam S

  7. Hi Carol! My and my family's thoughts and prayers are with you, and your blog is super cool! If you or your family needs anything at all, please tell Christine to put me to work...


  8. Carol - Your fabulous daughter pointed me to your blog (so high tech!) this morning and I'm so glad she did. Please tell Andrew, Chip, and Frank 'hello' and tell Jake that Zack misses him. We are still so bummed we can't be with you in June but I'm looking forward to seeing you soon (and cracking open that recipe book!). Thinking of you and confident in His word - Jack

  9. carol!!! you're just about the coolest damn lady i've ever met, and i haven't the slightest doubt that, between you, your doctors, and your massive prayer army, cancer doesn't stand a chance. a mismatch of historical proportions if you ask me. francella, me, and both of our families are there for you in every way possible. WE LOVE YOU!

  10. Hi Carol,
    This is so 21rst century. They don't call it social computing for nothing. The next thing we know, you'll be on twitter, keeping us updated minute by minute. My other "spirit sisters" have added you to their prayer list.

  11. Oh my gosh!!! look at all of you kids! l love you I love you! thanks for your sweet notes! eeee! now I will be just like all you kids out at the shore with your laptops all over the kitchen table and the bar. yep yep...I am going to be so cool! :) (and Jack will make us mojitos! and Kyle will keep the Arnold Palmers coming, and Beth will bring on the apple pies :))Thanks for your prayers...THAT's the best! ( how do I get my name to come up without having to type it in every time..and what is a URL?)

  12. Hi Carol,
    A URL is a web address - the thing that starts with http://

    So, in terms of getting your name to come up, since I don't know blogspot, I'm not sure, but is there a "remember me" check box when you log on? That would probably do the trick. And I will ask some of my other blogging friends.

    Your Geeky friend,

  13. Hi, Carol-

    Love checking on you daily to see what's up and know so specifically how to pray. God does, indeed, shine in you Carol. Your humor, sweet spirit, and peace in the midst of the storm both witness and minister to others. You are precious! praying for you w/o ceasing, and sending a big hug, Kristy
