Sunday, August 23, 2009


Does God smile and chuckle at us? If so...He is having a merry time with all my 
worry and concern, saying "ah ha!! And you NEVER anticipated such an uneventful,
COMFORTABLE flight, my girl". We have landed. The flight was fact the
seat reclined so I had great back support and legs elevated the whole way.

We are in the car with Andrew now on the way home. Erik and Christine are behind
us with Chip. So we are headed on to Georgetown.

Thanks for praying us home. And Thanks Lord for scoffing as my silly worries!


Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry


  1. Be at peace wth your worries my friend, you are entitled. Be at peace with your pain. No matter how strong your faith, you will be tested again and again. I speak from experience. You will settle into your new life if you let yourself. You will help God heal you if you go with it. I am soooooo.... happy you made it home without problems.
    Love you forever,
    Carol J.

  2. welcome home. get rest. on to the next thing to overxcome. Glad you're back- the Saubers

  3. Great to hear that you're safe on the East Coast. God was watching over you.
    H & K

  4. You're courage and faith time and time again is a huge inspiration. We're praying for you all the time!

    Lord, ignite your holy spirit inside her, give her and more and more of your peace that transcends all understanding. Just one breath from you sends healing all over her body and the strength to move mountains. Lord breathe new life into her everyday, and build her testimony so that all her miracles will point to you.
    Thank you father, for your endless love for Carol. In faith we pray, amen.

  5. Dear Carol,
    I am so very glad you made it home and that your whole family is there with you. What a blessing! It is natural for you to worry, that is how we are designed as women and mothers. You are in my thoughts and prayers each and every day.
    Love, Jeanne B.

  6. Dear Carol,
    Just to say I am thinking of you , amazed you have been traveling . I was away kor my ten day silent retreat and now need to head out to Florida by car. I Wanted to let you know my aunt Indiana has joined the fight against C . Hope to pay you a visit this fall, would love to see that smiling faithfilled smile of yours ! Many blessings your way brought to you by an army of angels !
    carla sp
    will keep you in my prayers..

  7. Dear Carol, As always, I am humbled and in awe of your faith, strength and perseverance. It is just amazing how the Lord just took care of everything for you. Prayers are amazing!!! So happy to hear that you are home again in DC with all your loving family around you. l am in touch with Debbie Tovar and will let her know the good news. God has worked a miracle in our life with little Addison Grace from China. Will send an email with more details. Rest, gain strength and know you are so loved. Love, Mary Beth

  8. Praise the LORD! So glad you are home....

    Praying and sending love,


  9. To a most beautiful friend.
    Dear Carol and family this is my first post. I just wanted you to know you and family are in my prayers daily. I am glad your flight home went well. Our dear friend Mary Ann has been keeping us all up to date. You are so precious to us all.
    How marvelous and wonderful you are dear friend.
    Love Arlene Luzak

  10. So glad you made it home safely and comfortably. And that you are all there together! We love you...and continue to pray for God's power to shine through you. Hugs to all of you!!

  11. Carol, next time you're in California, we expect a call. We miss you and Frank already!

    - Sean/Francella

  12. Thrilled that you made it home safely. The Lord works in mysterious ways in Him having Steve and June join you on your journey east. We'll continue to pray that everything goes well for you this weel. Love and hugs to you and Frank, Wally & Eileen

  13. We are praying for all of you. God be with you, comfort you and hold you in His loving arms. My God give you strength and ease your pain. Carol, God is with you. He loves you and cradles you in His embrace.
    We are with you.
    Love always,
    Nancy and Dan
