Wednesday, March 11, 2009


  1. We're with you! Love you, ML + OJ

  2. hey aunt carol,
    We wanted to send you some love and our prayers are with you.


    Scott + Denise

  3. Carol,

    I have been thinking about you and your family every day, and I just want you to know that you are in my heart and in my prayers. You are an incredible person, and I feel so blessed to know you! And, I'm so excited that we'll all officially be family very soon!!


  4. Carol,

    I'm sending you my thoughts and prayers and please know that you have a world of friends out here pulling for you. Stay strong!


    Dale Truskett

  5. Dear Carol,

    I recently learned of the challenges you are facing with your health and I wanted to let you know that we are praying for you. I am engaged in a church group at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton parish in Hiawatha, Iowa and we now include you in our prayers.

    I also wanted to let you know how you much I appreciated your sharing your spiritual journey. When you wrote, "God WILL honor your prayers. I know it, I know it. I know it. I have read all of His promises in the Bible. They are true and He is Truth. Thanks for walking this journey with me," this was such a wonderful testament of your love for our God. What a great joy this brought to me personally as your testament increases my faith . . . and I thank you very much indeed for sharing this beautiful message.

    And I wanted to share with you my prayer that if God wants something done, it can and will be done! If God has a goal in mind for us to achieve, can it be blocked, is its fulfillment uncertain or impossible? I am sure you are convinced that no goal which God has for you is impossible or uncertain, nor can it blocked . . . for the angel simply said, "For nothing is ever impossible with God" (Luke 1:37).

    Carol ~ may God continue to bless you, Frank and all of your family.

    Paul Coe
