Monday, March 9, 2009

Change in the Schedule for Monday

Wow! Thank you! Prayer answered -- Dr Giday called tonight. He squeezed me in
the schedule and is putting in stent at 10:45 tomorrow morning before the liver
biopsy! So please pray all goes well with inserting the stent. (And that the
biopsy is CLEAR! :). )



  1. Carol!!!!!

    You are posting at 3:16 am! I'm sorry, I wasn't awake with you on that one! I slept like a baby last night. I LOVED having you at the conference this weekend. AM praying, praying, praying. YES, God is good. All the time. It is a gift when He shows us the details working out. . . like having this appointment fitting in. But even when what we see isn't clear, HIS character, love for you, power to heal, and goodness NEVER change.

    love you!

  2. Carol,

    As I was praying for you and your family, I ran across this devotion. As you walk the path of trust you will experience situations that simply defy explanation. When you look back, after the fact you could never have figured Gods plan. At the time it seemed strange, mysterious...even illogical. Let me assure you, that's God working. Things will happen that seem to be totally contradictory, but these are God's arrangements. I don't have to explain or defend the will of God, just trust him.

    Joshua l:9
    Do not tremble or be dismayed for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.


  3. Busy day !! You'll be in my thoughts and prayers.
